Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions


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Using our loan comparison portal, you can see a side by side comparison of key information and interest rate ranges from the most popular lenders.

The answer is, it depends. A lot of things go into determining your interest rate. This includes your situation, you or your cosigner’s credit, and global economic conditions. For Federal loans you can expect 4% – 5% whereas private might be closer to 6% – 7%.

This varies widely depending on a handful of different factors. Currently, 10 years is the average.

Financing your education wisely and investigating alternatives to loans can help reduce the burden. Ultimately, college is an investment in yourself and attending a community college or trade school can be an excellent decision for many students.

The standard grace period for student loans is 6 months.

Student loan refinancing, or consolidation, is acquiring new debt at a lower interest rate in order to pay off your current loans. This is a powerful tool that can help you reduce your student loan expenses.

The 2020-21 federal student loan interest rates are 5.05% for undergraduate loans, 6.6% for unsubsidized graduate loans, and 7.6% for direct PLUS loans.

We know that every client is unique. It all depends on how much you owe, what interest rate you pay, and what income you make. We offer content and tools to help you every step of the way.

There are several things you can do to lower your payments! For example, some lenders will give you a .05% discount for setting up autopay. For more tips, sign up for our newsletter and visit our blog!

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